Autocad Student Version

Autocad Tutorial, autocad 2020 tutorial, autocad 2020, autocad 2020 installation, autocad 2020 crack, autocad 2021 what's new, autocad 2021crack, autocad 20. REMOVE PLOT STAMP FROM STUDENT VERSION OF AUTOCAD - This Video tutorial deals with the procedure to remove plot stamp from the student version of AutoCAD.

AutoCAD by Autodesk has released various versions. The latest version by 2019 end is AutoCAD 2020. The latest version always includes more advanced features than the previous version. Since 2010, AutoCAD was released as a mobile application marketed as AutoCAD 360.

All the versions of AutoCAD are listed in the below table: Or Release no.VersionsReleased DateDescription
1AutoCAD 1.0December 1982It was the first initial release of AutoCAD. It was demonstrated at the Comdex (computer expo trade show). The file format DWG R1.0 was introduced during the time of release.
2AutoCAD 1.2April 1983It was released after the first initial version. The file format DWG R1.2 was introduced.
3AutoCAD 1.3August 1983The file format DWG R1.3 was introduced. This version introduced add on features such as configuration, justified text, adjustment of alignment and plot origin, grid spacing, large plotter, standardized color numbers, and addition of header information in the DXF file.
4AutoCAD 1.4October 1983Some of the features were added, such as text fonts, ZOOM, and block enhancements, new commands (HATCH, UNITS, BREAK, FILLET, AXIS, and SKETCH), arrays, snap mode, aligned text, status line, rotation angle, and control keys.
5AutoCAD 2.0October 1984This version introduced add on features such as line type, text styles, attributes, the extension of area command, dynamic specifications, angle, commands (SAVE, VIEW, MIRROR, O SNAP, QTEXT, V SLIDE, M SLIDE, and ENDSV), etc.
6AutoCAD 2.1May 1985Some of the features were added, such as LIMITS, FILLET extended, 3D Visualization, polylines, layer, freeze command, holding values, new commands (CHAMFER, DXBIN, PRPLOT, BLIPMODE), etc.
7AutoCAD 2.5June 1986This version introduced add on features such as UNDO/REDO facility, PAN, ZOOM, enhanced keyboard, menu loading and capacity becomes faster than the previous version, COP, TIME, POINT, PLOT, RESUME, MINSERT, extended memory, angles, and commands (OFFSET, POLYGON, EXTEND, EXPLODE, MEASURE, STRETCH, MEASURE, etc.).
8AutoCAD 2.6April 1987Some of the features were added, such as 3D line and 3D face entities, REDRAW command, enhancement of DIMZIN, and AREA dimensioning variable.
9AutoCAD R9September 1987The R in these versions stands for Release. This version was based on the 8086 families of microprocessors. The R9 was the first version of AutoCAD that required an 80x87 math coprocessor. The additional features were MULTIPLE command modifier, spline curves, advanced user interface, etc.
10AutoCAD R10October 1988The added features include several linetypes, PURGE command, and viewports command. It also consists of the additional 3D capabilities commands such as UCSICON, line, DVIEW, 3D polish, 3D mesh, etc.
11AutoCAD R11October 1990The additional features in the R11 version include multiple viewports, several dimension enhancements commands such as DIMSCALE, DIMBLK, DIMCLRT, DIMCLRE, network support features, TILEMODE system variables, etc.
12AutoCAD R12June 1992The R12 version is more compatible with the previous (R11) version. After the configuration of this version, the AutoCAD displays the graphics screen, and the main menu has been eliminated. Some features were included, such as object snap, dimensioning, plot, hatch, etc.
13AutoCAD R13November 1994It includes the enhancement of all the commands.
14AutoCAD R14February 1997The added features include drawing productive tools (template drawings), customization tools, and management tools.
15AutoCAD 2000March 1999The introduction of various platforms, such as floating toolbars, screen layout, drawing preview, spelling checker, dimensioning styles, and families. The commands such as lengthen, extend, grouping, parallel lines, Boolean operations, etc.
16AutoCAD 2000iJuly 2000The new capabilities were introduced from the worldwide design community resulting increase in drawing productivity, performance, usability, speed, design. The commands such as polyline, quick select, color, plot, trim, grips, fillet, etc. were introduced.
17AutoCAD 2002June 2001This version offers the power of collaborative designs. The introduction of the block, edit, and enhanced attributes, text scaling, spell checking, layer translator, data storage via the web, etc.
18AutoCAD 2004March 2003It includes new Express tools, a new tool palettes, sharing of files with Ease, and better efficiency.
19AutoCAD 2005March 2004It introduces new standard to increase the productivity of CAD, the evolution of design technology, etc.
20AutoCAD 2006March 2005This version introduces drafting and documentation tools, such as hatch, block, multiline text, dimensioning, streamline, tool palettes, etc.
21AutoCAD 2007March 2006The concept of visualizing, design, share, and documentation was implemented in this version to work efficiently.
22AutoCAD 2008March 2007It includes enhanced tables, annotation scaling, text, key, and leader enhancements.
23AutoCAD 2009March 2008The added features include a user interface, navigation bar, commands (block, array, and purge), technology IPv6, modern interface, and enhanced look.
24AutoCAD 2010March 2009The added features include 3D printing, free-form design, parametric drawing, and pdf enhancements.
25AutoCAD 2011March 2010The features include 3D Gizmos, updated UCS icon, background and grid colors, extended X and Y origin lines, Workspace menu, Viewcube in 2D frame, new navigation bar, etc.
26AutoCAD 2012March 2011The features included online storage, new arrays, multifunctional grips, content explorer, Pickauto setting, better snap mode, deletion of duplicate objects, etc.
27AutoCAD 2013March 2012The additional features such as OFFSET preview, array and online enhancements, improved PRESSPULL command, etc.
28AutoCAD 2014March 2013It includes command-line improvements, Xref upgrades, natural sort, file tabs, and Merge selected layers.
29AutoCAD 2015March 2014The features included are drafting, viewport resizing, block galleries, printable online maps and new text alignment.
30AutoCAD 2016March 2015The additional features of 2016 version are Mtext enhancements, smart dimensioning, easy editing revision clouds, status bar wrap, variable monitor, etc.
31AutoCAD 2017March 2016The features included are Autodesk app, sharing drawings, centerline, center marks, making 3D print file, migrate custom settings, and enhanced graphics.
32AutoCAD 2018March 2017The additional features are user interface, PDF Import, object selection, high-resolution monitor, share designs, external file references, etc.
33AutoCAD 2019April 2018The features included are Map 3D, Mechanical design, electrical design, architecture, new AutoCAD web and mobile app, raster design, and MEP (Mechanical Electrical Pumping).
34AutoCAD 2020March 2019The features included are block palettes, enhanced DWG, drawing annotation, quick measurements, cloud storage connectivity, etc.
Next TopicAutoCAD Mouse Controls

The AutoCAD educational versions are fully functional for both students and teachers. To download AutoCAD, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Access the AutoDesk website.

Enter your account or create a new one.

You must choose the download link for the educational version:

In this case, I am selecting the license I need for personal use.

It selects which version is required to download.

In my case I am indicating AutoCAD2018, for Windows 64 bits, in English language.

Then you need to accept the service terms and the system will let you know that the download is ready.

2. Download AutoCAD

Once the download starts, it will download a small file, in my case called


When activating the executable, there will be a screen showing the program downloading, so you have to wait a few minutes. It is suggested to use Wifi connection because the size is 4 GB. When finished, the install button will be activated.


Autodesk Education Free Software Autocad

By mail you will receive a license confirmation, where it is indicated that you can install it on two computers, with a useful time of 3 years.

3. AutoCAD 2018 Requirements

The requirements for AutoCAD 2018 are those that are listed in the following table:

Autocad Student Version For Mac

System requirements for AutoCAD 2018
Operating system§ Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 (32-bit & 64-bit)

§ Microsoft Windows 8.1 with KB2919355 (32-bit and 64-bit) update

§ Microsoft Windows 10 ( only 64-bit )

Type of CPU 32-bit: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher 32-bit (x86) processor

64-bit: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher 64-bit (x64) processor

Memory32-bit: 2 GB (4 GB recommended)

64-bit: 4 GB (8 GB recommended)

Screen resolutionCoventional Monitors:

1360 x 768 (1920 x 1080 recommended) with True Color

High resolution monitors and 4K :

Resolutions until 3840 x 2160 supported by Windows 10, 64 bits with video card memory capacity.

Video cardVideo card Monitor adapter with 1360 x 768 capacity, True Color and DirecctX 9 functionality. DirectX 11 compatibility is recommended
Disk spaceInstallation 4.0 GB
BrowserWindows Internet Explorer® 11 or higher
NetworkDeployment through the Deployment Wizard.

The license server and all workstations that will run applications dependent on network licenses must execute the TCP / IP protocol.

Or, Microsoft® or Novell TCP / IP protocol stacks are acceptable. The main login in the workstations can be Netware or Windows.

In addition to the supported operating systems for the application, the license server will run in the Windows Server® 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows 2008 R2 Server editions.

Citrix® XenApp ™ 7.6, Citrix® XenDesktop ™ 7.6.

DeviceWindows compatible mouse device
Scanning tableCompatibility with WINTAB
Device (DVD)Download or installation with DVD
ToolClips Media PlayerAdobe Flash Player v10 or higher
.NET Framework.NET Framework Version 4.6